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Teaching isn't just about the classroom; it's about nurturing a community of empowered women.

S-Factor classes create a space where women learn to reconnect with their bodies, fostering self-trust and rediscovering the innate strength within. This leads to profound shifts in their lives. Students describe how the practice transforms not only their own well-being but also their relationships and interactions with others. By fostering mindfulness, self-love and safe self-expression, we're creating a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond our studio walls, enriching our community one S-woman at a time.


It’s time to put an end to feeling burned out, turned off and frozen. It’s time to stop wondering why life doesn’t feel the way you hoped it would by now. It's time to enjoy a safe space to strengthen your body, mind and spirit while surrounding yourself with a uniquely supportive soulfully sexy sisters.

The first step is clicking below!

In Person Sessions

You’ll experience a combination of S-Factor,  yoga,  pole, and free dance classes where you’ll learn to strengthen and nurture your feminine body through an intuitive flow of body soothing sequences designed specifically for women.


Live Workshops Retreats

My FemBody hosts one day workshops and multi-way retreats curated to ignite your feminine radiance. You’ll feel truly worthy of your desires… giving you the spark to turn them into reality!


Virtual Online

Experience what life is like when you have a community of sisters who are just a screen away.  Move your body in the privacy of your home, avoid traffic and pop into a class when traveling.

Connect With Community
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